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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Jack's Ball

I  cared for my favorite babies the other day. 
 They keep Grandmummie VERY busy!  We always try to break up the day and get outside.  It usually helps a certain 2 year old to be ready for a nap in the afternoon, too! 

We usually go check out the chickens.  We can waste a lot of time in the chicken yard.  Watching chicken behavior can be very mesmerizing. 

Even Baby Rhea enjoys the chickens, even though she's usually frightened of everything.

These warm spring days even get Josie wound up!

If only Pap Pap was home to take this boy for a tractor ride!....But someone 'round here has to work to pay the bills.

Jack got his football and wheel barrow out to play with.  (He likes to push the football around in the wheel barrow.)

At some point, Josie stole the football.

Let me tell ya, ol Jack was not happy about that. 

He marched right over and got his ball back!

The look on his face is priceless...

Jack brought the ball back, plopped it in the wheel barrow.  He looked up at me and said, "Jack's ball."

Too funny!!

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