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Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter Daze

Okay...I know the calendar says

But at our house

I took this pic at the beginning of the storm Saturday.
If you look closely, you can see the chickies in the portable
chicken house under the trees.  By storms end the bows
 were hanging VERY low. But the girls were just fine!

I did some blogging and scrapbooking during the storm, while Hubs did some woodworking (more on this project later).....

...that is until we lost power!  
Then there was nothing to do but gaze out the window.

 After about 4 hours power was restored at our house.  But our daughter and son in law were not as lucky (even though their last name is Luckie..he he)

So they loaded up the babies and came over for a sleep over.
Hubs made breakfast for everyone the next morning.

Notice the baby on the counter!

After breakfast, I ventured out to get some snapshots of all the white stuff.

We enjoyed having our sweet babies for the weekend......

Everyone has gone home now, but I'm still feeling 
 a bit 
dazed and confused 
by this 
October Snow...


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