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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Over the Mountains Through Orchards and Vineyards

We took a drive on Friday in the convertible, with the top down of course. It was a gorgeous day. A hint of fall was in the air. We had no agenda for the day except to enjoy the day together. We kicked our work lists to the curb and set out on our journey.

We live in a valley between 2 mountains. So we decided to begin by heading over the mountain. Nestled at the bottom on otherside is a very famous little town surrounded by fruit orchards, rolling hills and few vineyards that are beginning to emerge. This area is also drenched in American History. You may have heard of it; you may have visited this quaint little town we call Gettysburg.
first stop, as always, was brunch. We made a quick stop at a friendly little restaurant all decked out in red and blue. So patriotic!

For most folks, a trip to Gettysburg would mean a tour of the Battlefield and the many museums that surround it. But we have been there, done that. And though we have a deep appreciation for the Battlefield and all it represents, this day was more about just relaxing and enjoying the day and the scenery as we meandered around Adams County, with camera in tow. I hope you enjoy the photos of our journey.

Our first stop was a well known round barn. It is used as a fruit and vegetable stand. It was stocked with autumn goods. But it primarily housed gift items. The barn is owned and operated by Knouse Foods. You may know them as the Lucky Leaf people.

We walked upstairs to see the "bones" of the barn. It appears they hold special events up there such as weddings.

Inside the silo was an adorable kiddie room.

Across from the barn was one of the new vineyards cropping up around Adams County. So we decided to check it out. You can view the grapes on the way up the hill to the tasting room.

Hauser Vineyards

From the top, there was a 360 degree view that was just gorgeous!

Can't you just imagine sharing some wine from this terrace, with this view!?

A view of the Round Barn from the vineyard.

We didn't take any wine home. But what we did take home was the memory of a relaxing day, etched in our minds. And oh, we did stop at another fruit stand and purchased nectarines, apples and cider...mmmmm!
Have a great day!

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