Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter Daze

Okay...I know the calendar says

But at our house

I took this pic at the beginning of the storm Saturday.
If you look closely, you can see the chickies in the portable
chicken house under the trees.  By storms end the bows
 were hanging VERY low. But the girls were just fine!

I did some blogging and scrapbooking during the storm, while Hubs did some woodworking (more on this project later).....

...that is until we lost power!  
Then there was nothing to do but gaze out the window.

 After about 4 hours power was restored at our house.  But our daughter and son in law were not as lucky (even though their last name is Luckie..he he)

So they loaded up the babies and came over for a sleep over.
Hubs made breakfast for everyone the next morning.

Notice the baby on the counter!

After breakfast, I ventured out to get some snapshots of all the white stuff.

We enjoyed having our sweet babies for the weekend......

Everyone has gone home now, but I'm still feeling 
 a bit 
dazed and confused 
by this 
October Snow...


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Scrappy Saturday-Winter has arrived

It's snowing here today in S. Central Pa.  Yes, you read that right....Snowing!  Its snowing, and we're expecting several inches of accumulation.  So I thought I'd post a few snow/bird pictures from last year.
(click to enlarge)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Gratitude journal Entry #7 I'm alive!...and a car love story!

On Wednesday, I left the YMCA and was going to the local library.  I had stopped at a stop sign and proceeded  through the intersection.  I had almost made it through when I heard that familiar crashing noise and before I knew what hit me, I was spinning in a circle.  I hit the brake and was stopped by the sidewalk curb.  

Don't get alarmed.  It was just a fender-bender.  But at the moment is seemed much bigger.  I wasn't injured, and neither was the woman who hit me.   
But my poor blackponi wasn't as fortunate.

I'm ssooo thankful that this accident was just a fender-bender and not something much worse....

No one was hurt....PTL!

I have to tell you though..
I love this car. 
I almost can't look at her boo boo!
I know I know..
You're thinking Its just a car! ...
a material possesion.

But it isn't just a car to me.
She's a symbol of so much more.

You see, as a teenager, my folks bought me my first car from the car auction.  It looked something like this...
(found this photo on the internet)

It was a 1969 fast back Mustang.  It was used hard. And of course my car wasn't quite as nice as the one in the picture above. It had a ton of mechanical problems. 
But...it was my first car...
near and dear to my heart.

Fast forward to 2003...
Rumor had it that Ford would be making a retro style Mustang.  
I had seen pictures, and was anxious to see the real deal.

It was in 2003, that I was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML). 
I spent many months in the hospital getting Chemo to kill off the blood cells and then wait for my blood count come back.  
It was a difficult time.  And when the blood count numbers would bottom out, I would get to feeling really whimpy.  
It was then, that my sweet husband would talk me through it.  At one point, he promised to buy me a new Mustang if I got better.

Well, I did get better! 
He bought me my dream car!

See, I told you she was more than just a car.  
She's a symbol of 
and a husband's LOVE!

So now you know...
the rest of the story! 

Filled with gratitude,

A Household Tip

Some time ago, Aunt Ruthie from Sugar Pie Farmhouse, had a post on Facebook where she asked her followers to share their favorite little household tip. 

Her tip was to keep a stash of extra garbage bags in the bottom of the trash can.   I've been a homemaker for 30+ years and I thought I knew it all, and had seen it all! On those few occasions when one the men at my house empties the trash, I always have to remind them to replace the trash bag.  I always kid them that any man can take out the trash but only "real men" replace the bag!! 

What a handy little tip! 

So I have a handy little tip for you today! 

At our house,  you will find 2 towels hanging on the oven door.  One is a pretty t-towel for drying dishes (the one with the rooster), and one for drying hands.  

But for some reason, the men in my house can't seem to get that straight.  Without fail, they will wash their (filthy) dirty hands in the kitchen sink and wipe whatever dirt that is left on their hands onto the pretty t-towel.  


I took some old towels and cut them in half and ran the frayed edges through the sewing machine. 

Now this sits on the counter near the sink....

These towels come in handy for drying dirty hands...

wiping up spills.....

even cleaning messy (but adorable) faces!!!

Oh how I love to re purpose stuff, 
giving new life to something old!

Enjoy your day!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Foto Friday- Alpacas

It's Foto Friday and the day is quickly coming to an end.  
But I just couldn't let this day go by without sharing some cute photos that I took last Sunday at 

Living among the alpacas were several llamas that serve as "sheep dog." 

 It was a beautiful fall day and I found the time spent at the farm to be very relaxing !! These sweet 4-legged creatures just had the ability to make you forget about everything else.  

Enjoy the photos and don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them!

No, this is NOT me!

My..what big teeth you have!

 I captured this photo on the farm.  See what I mean about feeling peaceful?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


If you are like me, this is your favorite kitchen appliance.  

I start everyday with a cup of Joe, 
the latest broadcast of Joyce Meyer
and Jesus.

In a recent E-newsletter from the local Kitchen Shoppe, 
COFFEE was the HOT topic.

 It was filled with lots of coffee facts, and a few recipes as well.
Check it out at the link below.
 (then scroll down to Coffee: How the obsession started)

 But first, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and perhaps enjoy a seasonal sweet treat, too!
(Like gingerbread or something spicy and/or applish!) 

And if you have a minute, leave me a comment to tell me what your favorite kind of coffee is.
  Mine is
Hazelnut with lots of real cream! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Scrappy Saturday- Baby Shower

This month, our first grandchild will be turning TWO!  SO I thought I'd post the scrapbook (collage) pages of the baby shower I threw for my daughter, as well as the invite.  Don't forget to double click on the photos so you don't miss any of the details!


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