Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Make Your Own Red Robin Seasoning

Good Morning Bloggers!  My poor blog gets very neglected because I its priority is usually very low on my list.  So this morning, I decided I would start my (rainy) day doing something I enjoy.

So here goes.....

I thought I'd share a recipe today...

I love Red Robin Fries.  And their seasoning for the fries is wonderful.  If you Google Red Robin Seasoning,  you'll find a recipe that uses Knorr Tomato soup  mix.  That didn't sound too appealing to me.  But this recipe fit the bill...and it can be made organically if you choose.

Red Robin Seasoning

Begin with a half- to a full box of salt

Add to that.......

1 oz chili powder
1/2 oz pepper

2 oz garlic
2 oz red
 cayenne pepper

Very pretty-huh?
This would make a lovely gift
gift to give.


Pour into a shaker
Add caption

Here's a tip-  Because I like to keep things organized, I created a label with the ingredients of my seasoning so when it gets empty, I don't have to search for the recipe.  (I do the same thing for my homemade laundry detergent)

My son puts this on EVERYTHING!  I use it mostly for potatoes...any kind of potatoes.

......and one final note while we're talkin' spices....

I love this Simply Organic Cinnamon spice...

..Just sayin'...........

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gratitude Journal Entry-Entry #6

This post is over due.

(It's rather lengthy, so grab a cup of Joe!  I've included lots of pictures to keep your attention!)

I've been  pondering it for weeks now. But like you, I've been busy with life.  When I awoke this morning to the booming and banging of thunder, I saw it as a sign to sit down, gather my thoughts and share this story that overwhelms me with gratitude and thankfulness.

About 3 weeks ago, Tropical Storm Lee cruised through our area drowning us in flood waters, and for some, much devastation  and a messy cleanup.  My neighborhood received approximately 10 inches of rain over just a few days.

The Susquehanna River flows through Harrisburg (our closest and largest Metropolis).  Many  streams and creeks can be found in this area as well.  They all flooded their banks!

The good news for me is that we live in the country away from any low places near a river, creek or stream.  So we were unaffected by the flood waters.  
And for this I am thankful!!

Others were not as fortunate as you can see by these photos.  These are not my photos.  Some were taken by my friend George, while others were posted on local media outlets.  Most of these photos were taken around the city of Harrisburg and the Susquehanna River.  (click to enlarge)

The red brick building and the black building in the background of this picture is the Harrisburg Hospital.  This is where I began treatment for leukemia 8 years ago (almost to the day).  I had one of those rooms at the very top where you can see the white pillars.  It was a room with a (beautiful) view.
  I'm in remission now, so for that I am sooo grateful!

This is a photo of City Island and the newly
 renovated ball park.
City Island is just that- an Island.
 A fun place to visit during the
summer months.
(when there is no flooding of course!)

The Hershey area was hit hard.  Flash floods hammered the area of Hershey Park, devastating businesses, highways and even parts of Hershey Park. Yes, I'm talking about THE Hershey, the Sweetest Place on Earth.

The sweetest place on earth quickly turned sour when flood waters forced the care takers at Zoo America to euthanize 2 bison trapped in the flood waters.  A creek meanders through the park and zoo.  The creek is usually a source of joy because it's filled with large fish that children can observe and feed.  (for a small fee;) But as you can see on this video, there was nothing but devastation surrounding this creek! (Warning-this is very disturbing video)

The place where the buffalo used to roam!

 Clean Up from the flood waters has begun........

And Roads are being restored........

Their task is huge.  As I sit here, all nestled in from the elements of this day,  I feel grateful, and at the same time I can't help but feel sad.  Sad for those who are in this position of cleaning out their homes, sorting through their worldly possessions and cleaning up the muck and the stench left behind. And many are trying to figure out how to do get it all done, and paying for all the expense.  My prayers go out for them.  May they have the strength and courage needed to get through these difficult times.  May they think to pray to the God who loves them for He hears our prayers.  And may He be Glorified when they see their prayers being answered!     

I'm leaving you with much to think about and reflect on today....
Have an attitude of gratitude as you continue your day...  
And may God bless you richly!

Ps... Found this photo among some flood pics and thought is was cute.  This pic was taken on the river next to TMI.  (Three mile island)

Pss.  This is the track of Tropical Storm Lee....we are in the grey area ....wouldn't ya know!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Scrappy Saturday- Baby Rhea Pt 2

I finally finished a few more pages of Rhea Amelia's scrapbook. She sure is a precious little bundle.  Enjoy!

Friday, September 23, 2011

I can't believe it's Fall!  

I look forward to this time of year....

It's my favorite.

I especially love the aromas coming from the kitchen. Apple, cinnamon, pumpkin............need I say more?

Fresh from the oven apple pie (will post recipe soon)

I love the fall colors.  
And the crispy cool mornings.

This is a Mennonite Church in
 Lancaster County, Pa
taken during the peak of autumn.

But there is one thing this fall that I'm not liking so much...

Yep, my chickens are molting.  The girls are a nasty looking sight.  And to make matters worse, they have slowed down their egg production.  Now I ask....How will I get all my fall baking done without those beautiful fresh eggs!?!?!

Fall really is my very favorite time of year.  I love to bake and decorate for fall. So stay tuned for several Autumn-ish posts over the next few weeks.

And before I say so long on this first day of fall, I just want to share with you something near and dear to my heart.  And that is that this (month of September) is 
Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month
 I am a 7 year survivor of acute myelogenous leukemia.  And I can attest on behalf of all leukemia patients that the best way anyone can support patients suffering with this horrific disease is to 
give blood. 
 Without blood donors, I would surely not be here today. 
 To see more of my story click here.

Don't forget to stop by tomorrow for 
Scrappy Saturday- Baby Rhea pt.2

until then......

Live Simply and deliberately



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