Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Foto Friday- Jack's Gingerbread House

A friend of mine from the YMCA was sweet enough to give me an assembled gingerbread house for me and Jack to decorate.  All I had to do was whip up some royal frosting.  

 We had a great time.  I kept saying,

 "No, don't eat it.  Put it on the roof!" 

 Oh well, he had fun decorating AND eating!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spreading the Joy

I've been really focused on keeping Joy in our Christmas this year.  The kind of Joy that comes to us because of a baby born in a manger for ALL, 
that we might have JOY!

I've written a little meditation about Joy for our family newsletter. In case you missed it, you can read it here.  

I want Joy for myself, for my family and for all of those whose lives I'm able to touch in some small way.  

So today, I wanted to share some of the things that are bringing
to our friends and family.........

Not only did I declare this to be a Christmas filled with Joy, but also a Christmas filled with fun......
I've declared this to be a 
REDNECK Holiday!

Every year, I open up our home and become the 
hostess with the mostess 
for Hubby's family.  

I enjoy it.
I enjoy going the extra mile each year.  
I try to make it fun and enjoyable.  
Here are just a few of the homemade gifts I've given over the last few years...

*maxi pad slippers* 


*tampon angels*

 *herb and vanilla basket*

So this (redneck) year I made a chicken bag out of these feed bags for each family.....

My niece plans to be a Vet so I made hers from
this dog food bag.

......And filled each one with something
and/or homemade!

Here are a few samples
(keep in mind this was just for fun!)

A redneck (spring) candle

These smelly earrings were crafted by using a
car freshener lei.  

We had a lot of fun with the redneck gifts.
I also made an ornament for every family made from the feathers of our chickens and turkey. (Recycling at its best)

Each were unique,
and many had
let it snow
written on them.  

I made these as well..

Jack and I made this to give to his mama and daddy.

I made this one for the snow lover in my life.

This may be my last post before Christmas, unless I find the time and energy to post some recipes.  So I'd like to leave you with our Christmas card.
I made 25 of these buggers, everyone unique. 
But so much fun!  

white embossing

green embossing

Wishing you all a
Very Merry Christmas

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Tour of our Christmas Decor

Everyone has their own way of decorating for the holiday season.  For some, they go all out.   They buy new stuff every year, with no regard for the cost.  They just do it BIG! I'm guessing that these are the same folks with a ton of expensive gifts under their tree too. And perhaps a huge credit card bill.

Others, well their decorations are a bit scrooge-ish. 

Either they are not "Christmas people," 
or perhaps there are just "things" going on in their lives that prevent them from 

decking their halls....

But around here...we aim to
I'd be lying if I told you I never buy anything new. The fact is, I usually change things up just a little by picking up something new at Michaels or my favorite antique store for most every season.  

But I consider that to be just
adding to my collection. (wink wink)  

For the most part, we drag out the same decorations, year after year.  
There is something comforting about the old traditional ornaments and decorations that hold family memories, isn't there?  
 If only they could speak, they'd tell some tall tales, huh?   

The decorations we pull from old dusty boxes remind us of Christmases past.  Some treasured, some...not so much.  There's just something warm and fuzzy about those old decorations.  

 I have an old, most would say ugly, but definitely fake, 
ball of mistletoe that I hang up every year.  It has been part of my family since I was a child.
But every year I hang that darn thing; it stirs my heart and reminds me of
 my childhood days.......a much simpler time!

Stroll with me won't you....
as we tour
 our  Christmas decor......

For me, there are 2 "must haves" at Christmas.

The first is a creche~
the symbol of

and the second is a Christmas tree
Not to be confused with the holiday tree

O Christmas Tree!
How I love thee!

Our unusual tree top

May Peace be yours this Christmas

Lots of sparkle and shine

Jesus is our Hope

Believe in the miracle of Christmas

Joy to the World

Other arrangements that make our home feel like 

You gotta have candy for this oh so sweet season.
(The jar on the left is an old chicken feeder)

Poinsettias bring a Christmasy look to flea market pie tins and grandma's tea cups.

I won the metal tree as a door prize, tea pot~second hand store,
and the flower pot tree is homemade

Vintage balls in an old porcelain pan

I love to bring out the white glassware!

Fresh greens are free!

This little white sleigh is another heirloom.  It was always on my
grandma's table at Christmas!  Very Special!

This snowman collection can remain into the winter season.

The stockings were hung....

Hubs made me this shelf using the ornament below as inspiration. 
I change it up for each season.

Very cool, huh?

Well that wraps up the tour.  
Thank you so much for stopping by!
I'm very  glad you did.

Until next time....

And Remember....


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