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Monday, December 12, 2011

Angels Among Us

T'is the season for ANGELS.

When you think of angels....

What comes to your mind?

During this season 
while we're focused
on Christ's birth,
you may think of this....

the Angel of the Lord who
 visited Mary.

Or Perhaps you think of one of these little cherubs.

And if you're like me
the thought of angels may conjure 
up visions of  grandchildren!

My little angels

Recently, while listening to 
the topic of angels came up when they
posed this question....

Who are the Angels in your life?

Eric and Erica were inspired by 
Dan Dewey,
a.k.a. as the
Coffee Angel.  

While Dan's father was receiving cancer treatments he would make a coffee run to the local Starbucks.  Although his father didn't wish to have coffee, many of the other patients who were trapped on their recliners, hooked up to infusion poles delighted in some Joe.  

It became a tradition; every Thursday at 10 am, Dan would make a coffee run for the patients at the cancer center.

Today, even though Dan's father is no longer a patient, Dan continues to bless the patients (as well as the staff) with their favorite coffee every Thursday at 10 am.   

Who is your Angel??

Who is the person or persons that have blessed you with small acts of kindness.

And an even better question...
Who have you blessed? 
Is there anyone who can call you their Angel??

Little Acts of Kindness
can bless others in a BIG way!

One of the keys to being a blessing is to always be on the lookout for opportunities....
by getting our minds off ourselves!!.....
God presents us with opportunities everyday.

One of the lessons I learned while receiving chemo treatments for leukemia was 
how to receive with grace. 

Yep, I had to learn how to receive!

I was astounded by all the "angels" who came along side me (and my family) during those difficult days.  I received cards, calls and prayers from people from Wisconsin to Florida.

I realized that folks just had a need to give of themselves.....to feel like they were doing something to help.  
They needed to give something of themselves.
Being a blessing made them feel good. 
The love and kindness they showed, made me feel good.   

So I guess the bottom line is-

You're blessed when you're the giver 
 and blessed when you're the receiver.

Find someone to bless today.

Be someone's 

I'd love to hear your ANGEL stories!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy..thanks for your visit, I think your two little ones are cherubs for sure..so darling! My grand children are my angels for sure! Come say hi any time. :D



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