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Sunday, December 20, 2009


We have had a very hectic weekend! And that's putting it mildly. But before I share the pics of our busy weekend, I just to share this pic of Jack. He celebrated his 2 month birthday on Saturday. He's growing so quickly....gained 3 pounds since his last visit to the doctor. He is such a sweet baby!

On Friday night, we kicked off our Christmas celebration with our first family party. The guests were members of my extended family. We don't buy gifts or exchange names. But we do have a white elephant exchange, some great food and a little fellowship and always some silliness as you can tell by the photos below.

My daughter, SIL, Jack and of course Marzi the Boston

Family Photo

On Saturday, the snow began to fly! But that didn't stop hubbies family from coming to party # 2, with the exception of his sister's family who lives about an hour away. This party is much the same as my family's party with the white elephant exchange as the highlight. I always try to jazz things up with a few surprises like this chaulkboard sign...

"I'm in touch with my inner witch"

and these lovely maxi-pad slippers!

But by the time Sunday rolled around it was time to get busy and clear the foot of snow left behind by mother nature.

Jack's first snow storm

Bubba playing on the tractor-his contribution to the snow removal process
Nothing left to do now but soak in the beauty of the landscape.
Living Simply and deliberately,

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Those gifts are hilarious! I may have to try makeing those house slippers. ;D

    Our weekend was about the same....except friday we had some of our church family in for a nice little dinner and fellowship. Saturday it was hubby's family get-together. It was very nice.

    Hope your family has a Blessed Holiday Season!



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