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Friday, September 19, 2014

Milk Paint Magic

Milk Paint......
This is a topic I have wanted to blog about for a long time! 

It's been at least a year, maybe more, that I discovered 
Milk Paint. 

I'm in love with stuff....
okay, not really..
but you know what I mean.  

I stumbled across 
Also known as Marian.

And I just had to learn more.

So I watched a few of her videos.
Bought me some 
Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint.
And got busy. 


I started with a piece of furniture that I found in an old farmhouse we had purchased back in 1999.  I don't have a picture of it. But I did save this knob which has now been re-purposed on this coat rack.  
The coat rack itself is also re-purposed.
  It was a piece of trim from that same old farmhouse. 

Had I known that turquoise was going to make a comeback, I would have never touched it.  
But I didn't know that.
SO, I laboriously stripped, and re finished the cabinet. 
Painted the doors
and added some punched tin inserts.


Which brings us to today....
It was time for yet another makeover.
This time using 
Miss Mustard Seed's 
Milk Paint

Take a look...

Jazzed up the cabinet with some new knobs!

The color I chose is called 
(I applied a coat of wax when it was finished)

I love it
And it was so easy.
I'm ready to Milk Paint anything that will sit still long enough to be painted!

If you want to give it try
Check out Miss Mustard Seed here.
Or watch her videos here.

Keepin' it Simple

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