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Friday, March 26, 2010

SPENDING A WEEK WITH GRANDMUMMIE-from baby Jack's perspective

I spent the week with my Grandmummie while my Mummie was working. We played on the floor with my toys. Grandmummie loves my lumpy legs but wonders why her lumps aren't as cute..

We took several walks to enjoy the spring weather. But that hat of mine sure is hard on my red locks!

I helped GM with some cooking...

I helped wash dishes too....I looovvve water!

That gadget is swweeettt!

Aww, aren't they cute. We took care of the little chickies in the cage...

Cute...but kinda scary!

GM took me outside to see the big chickens. I like to look at the big chickens. But that noisy rooster scares me sometimes.

I enjoyed watching the doggies play!

And we even dug up the carrots from the hot box so Grampie could use the box for planting seeds. He's a garden guru!

GM cooked the carrots and smooshed them in that sweet kitchen gadget for me to eat. Mmm good!

Living Simply and Deliberately

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


As you can probably tell my fresh new layout....

Regardless of that nasty Phil's forecast of 6 more weeks of winter.....I'm done with it. Winter is officially over at my house! I'm turning the corner and bringing out the spring- time feel at my house! All remnants of winter decor are going to be banished from sight! First on the hit list is the front porch.

But before I completely close the book on winter, I want to share a few last pictures from these last days of winter at my house. I've been behind on my blogging because I have been cleaning out closets and getting the house reorganized. At our house, we have two seasons- holiday season and garden/canning season. So this is the in-between-time of year to roll up the sleeves and dig in. (more on that another day)

About 2 weeks ago, a flock of ROBINS made their debut to our back yard. Well actually they took up residence on the "hunting camper".
BIG mistake! What are they going to eat?
(Oh that reminds me...season number 3 at our house-HUNTING SEASON!)

Here's a great Reminder

We had a lot of snow this year!! Mother Nature dumped 2 feet on one occasion and a few days later another foot. You can imagine the grumbling going on around here with all the shoveling, and plowing. As I walked up the sidewalk one day from getting the mail, my little flag just set off a little giggle on the inside of me. It reads:

Even snow!??!!

Valentines Day gave us a nice break from the weather. We enjoyed some card making, baking, and a family picnic together (indoors of course). Our menu:
Hamburgers and Hot dogs
Harvest Potatoes
Baked beans
Punch in our festive lighted punch bowl
Cherry Pie

And one more thought .............hold on to your bloomers!
As I am closing the door on winter and looking toward spring.....

I'm dreaming of my gardens laden with seeds (already ordered)
that will produce abundantly,
a yard that is a gorgeous lush color of green, instead of a filthy dirty white,
oooh and can't forget the smell of fresh cut grass,
floral decorations and splashes of spring forsythia-like yellow about the house.....everywhere.

pantries and closets, cleared of the clutter and
windows clean and sparkly that allow the spring sun to shine through brightly,

a new batch of fuzzy little chicks,

And as a water aerobics instructor
I'm dreaming of shedding a few winter pounds!

This little cartoon has given me the inspiration I needed to

With that I'll close!!

I hope you'll take time to dream about spring Today!

Living Simply and Deliberately,

Chef Jack

Our little Jack is growing quickly! Don't ya just hate that? It would be nice to keep our babies little forever, but unfortunately, that's just not how it works. And at the same time, it is a joy to watch Jack grow and his little personality develop.
Just like his mommy, grandmummie, and great grandma, Jack is showing signs that he will enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Take a look as Jack helps mommie make some tasty treats!

I love this machine!

Helping mommie add the ingredients

Am I cute or what!!!???

And so many knobs!

We turned this.............

Into this!

Sugar Molasses Cookies

Living Simply and Deliberately,


Jack- 4 months old


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