Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Craft Day-Homemade cards

I got busy this week making cards for some upcoming events. I wanted to get them out of the way so I can get started on Christmas crafting.

Take a look....

Hubs and I have an anniversary coming up.
35 years!

Yep, I was a child bride!

He will be taking (what he calls) a once in a lifetime hunting trip to Canada several days after our anniversary, so I thought this
 big buck card
 was appropriate. 
Plus, I am on a mission to test my skills with some new card folding techniques.

We are expecting a new grandbaby in December and won't know if it's a boy or a girl until its born. 
So I avoided the use of pink!

(I think its a boy.....we shall see) :)

Made this tri shutter fold card just for the fun of it using some of my favorite chicken papers. :)

While we're talking cards
I thought I'd share the card I made for my son and our new daughter in law.

It is a  z  fold card.

Have a wonderful  weekend....


Friday, October 10, 2014

Foto Friday.....Gettin' Hitched

Today's photos are NOT my photos, but rather the photos of the photographer.  

 They were taken at my son's wedding.  He was hitched on September 27th.  
It was an outdoor wedding at a lovely venue.  As you can see we had a beautiful day as well as a beautiful bride!   

The venue was a beautiful barn.

Our daughter played piano

Here comes the bride

Waiting for his bride

The hand off

Mr and Mrs

Me and Hubs with the bride and groom

Our Family!

Lots of line dancing!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 6, 2014


Grab a "fall treat" and a cup of coffee or tea
 and get ready to enjoy this loooong post, 
with lots of photos.  

It's been 2 weeks since the start of my favorite season.
So I thought it was the perfect time to reflect on the past few months
because they have passed me by at a frenetic pace. 

I think pausing to reflect on the past is a good thing.
It's when we take time to be still 
that we can see our mistakes....
our successes...
and how God has been working things out for good 
for us..
in us..
and through us.
It's a good time to count our blessings.

It's been a busy summer.....

So let's begin with an awesome vacation!

Me and Hubs

We took a trip to the Smoky Mountains with some friends.

Friends Barb and Kevin

On our trip, we stretched ourselves as we partook in many firsts.

 We went to Dollywood.
We saw several very entertaining shows inside the park.
But Miss Lillian's pre-show was worth the price of admission!

She picked Hubs out of the audience to help her get the audience warmed up.  I laughed until my face hurt! My little chicken man was a good sport.

We  rode some terrifying rides...including this one.

Some other firsts included a horse back ride at Cade's Cove.
I'm a country girl, but I don't have much experience with horses.
I have to admit it was a little intimidating
but it was fun.
I'm sure glad the horses knew where to go!

I snapped this photo from
my horse.  That's hubs up
ahead.  Kevin and Barb
brought up the rear.

We went to Gatlinburg one day.
What an enjoyable place to visit...
and so clean.

I did something very new in Gatlinburg....
I sampled some flavored moonshine.
Not the pure grain stuff....
the sugar laden kind.
I have to admit...
It was good.
But NO, I didn't bring any home with me!

Moonshine. Wall to Wall. Every flavor you can imagine.
 While we  were there, we took time to go to the aquarium as well.
This was my favorite under water critter.

I'd say this stingray is happy happy happy!

Everyday, we went out and about and explored Pigeon Forge.
And everyday we came back to our little cabin nestled on top of the beautiful Smoky Mountains

And everyday, we ended our day here......

Before leaving for vacation,
we planted our garden.

Over the summer
we spent many hours in the garden...

and in the kitchen...

We spent time with grandkids
imparting our love (and the rewards) of growing our own food with them.

Ya gotta love the monkey boots!
He thought this looked like the letter S. Smart kid.
Not only can these kiddos identify all kinds of veggies,
including the unusual, like scapes,
but they will try almost anything. 
Earlier this summer,
we found out we were going to be grandparents
Our daughter is now more than 6 mo along.
In July,  
we moved some of our necessities to Maryland.
Hubby started a new construction project there, making us part time city folk.
We still get home several weekends each month.
It's been an eye opening experience.
Our new neighborhood 

In August...
I hosted a bridal shower for my future 

And the 

Pièce de résistance

Last weekend,
our son married his favorite girl before 
Family, Friends
and God...
Country Style!

So there you have it.
A reflection of warm summer days that have come and gone
leaving us with fond memories. 
And now it's time to press on to a new season
It's a season of color 
a season of my favorite foods!

Until next time...

Stay tuned for more wedding pictures.
They. Are. Beautiful! 


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