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Monday, February 27, 2012

There's Nothing Like It.......Readiing with the grandbabies

There's nothing like spending quality time with the grandbabies, nestled in close, reading books.

Jack loves reading books.  I think he also enjoys that one on one attention he gets when we're reading.  Grandmummie enjoys it too!

 I especially enjoy reading Bubba and Beau books. 

Have you seen them?
 If you have little people in your life, I recommend them.  They are very fun to read.
You MUST read them though with a southern (Texas) accent.  It makes reading them so much fun!

It won't be long now until Rhea will want to squeeze in on the action too!!
That should double the fun!

Do you have any books you enjoy reading to your wee ones?  
I'd love to hear about them!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Foto Friday- She's 6 months old!!

My grand girl is 6 months old already.  I'm not sure how that happened.   She is so adorable...and so precious.  So to commemorate this milestone, I created a photo.  I actually made 3 of them. I'm not sure which version I like the best.  Do you have a favorite???

When Rhea's big brother, Jack, turned 6 months, I made one for him too. We used to call him the Michelin Man.  Are those ripples cute or what!?

Well, that's all for now.  Have a happy Friday.
If you're a grandma, enjoy those grand babies.  
They grow very FAST!!


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