Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

May your belly be filled with turkey 
and your heart with Thanksgiving


Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Sweet Meeting

Recently, my daughter and I went to Menno Haven, a beautiful retirement community in Chambersburg.  

Menno Haven is where my Great Aunt Rhea and Uncle Dale live.  They have a lovely home in the independent living community there.   

The purpose of our visit was to introduce  my granddaughter, Rhea, to Aunt Rhea- her namesake.  Aunt Rhea is a sweet Christian woman who models the Titus 2 woman...the kind of woman I aspire to be one day. 

It was a sweet meeting of the Rheas.

Rhea Amelia with her Great Great Great Aunt Rhea

We tried to get a group shot of Miranda and the kids with Aunt Rhea...But they weren't very cooperative!

It was a beautiful Fall day, so we put on their jackets and took the kiddos for a stroll around the campus-Aunt Rhea was our tour guide. 

When our tour of the facility was complete we headed to lunch at the local Panera before we had to say our good-byes.  

It was a special day...

with some special people (who I love dearly)..

A very sweet day indeed!

Me with Aunt Rhea and Uncle Dale

 Titus .....2:3 Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers.[a] Instead, they should teach others what is good. 4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[b] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Scrappy Saturday-This is what happiness looks like

I totally enjoyed making this page of my beautiful granddaughter!! She's such a sweetie.

Have a Happy Day!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Foto Friday- 32 and counting

Thought I'd share a picture of me and hubs taken 32 years ago.  (Yes, I was 10!)
Yesterday, we celebrated our anniversary.  
We've had our share of bumps in the road...some good times and bad....as well as our fair share of 
sickness and health.....
But after 32 years of marriage, 2 children, and 2 beautiful grandbabies...
I must say it's been a
Wild and Wonderful Ride! 

If you'd ask me what the secret is, I'd have to say its 
Keeping God smack dab in the center of our marriage
Keeping our priorities straight
Keeping life simple

And one more thing before I close,
let me just say thank you to all who serve or have served to protect our freedoms.  May God bless you richly!

Saw this photo on facebook today and had to share!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Looking Forward to Saturdays....the 411 on popcorn

Around here, we look forward to Saturdays. 
 Saturday is usually a work around the house day.  
During the summer months, its a work outside day.
By the time the day draws to a close, we are pooped!

But there is always something to look forward to at the end of our work day.

And that's the

It comes EVERY Saturday.
Hubs and I fight over our favorite section.  
Yep, believe it or not, we both enjoy the same section of this huge paper.

Hubs enjoys reading the for sale ads!
But Here's why I enjoy it....

Interesting Q & A from readers 

New recipes weekly

In a recent issue, a local business, Meadowbrooke Gourds  was highlighted.  They grow, make, and sell all things gourds....

To see more about this unusual business, (that was also highlighted on Dirtiest Jobs) click here 

I actually have a few of these gourds in my own collection.  I'll post them another day though (closer to Thanksgiving).

A few weeks  ago, Popcorn
was the topic of interest.  And since we grow our own popcorn, I was very interested. 

We planted Dakota black popcorn

Included in this addition was a little trivia..

and of course some very interesting popcorn recipes!

click to enlarge

So there you have it...
a Satur-DAY in the simple life of
yours truly!

Remember to keep it simple...



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