Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Getting Organized

Our lives today are very busy.  Regardless of where you are in life, there are many demands that seem to pull us in all directions. Finding a way to squeeze everything into a 24 hour day, and live a balanced life can be quite challenging.  For me, trying to keep things simple and organized is how I manage to get the most out of my 24 hours.  And having a plan is key.  Scripture tells us that People without a plan perish! (Proverbs 29:18)

This is the time of the year when I begin some planning.  While most folks may think of a new year as the time to set some plans and goals, this too is a great time for planning. Summer is winding down and I looking forward to the end of the canning and freezing season and the beginning of my favorite time of year. For many, children are going back to school or a new homeschool year is on the horizon. It’s a time for planning some fall cleaning (and decorating) and gathering ideas perhaps on the holidays that will be here before you know it.  If you are at all like me, there is planning to do for the Christmas holidays.  Many of my gifts are homemade and can’t wait until the last minute, so planning ahead is necessary!

I’ve been enjoying 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life, by Joyce Meyer.  I highly recommend it.  It makes a great daily devotional book.   Chapter 60 is about getting organized. 

In it, Joyce  opens the chapter with this quote:

 “Don’t agonize. Organize.” 
                           (by Florynce Kennedy)

Doesn’t that just sum things up perfectly?  
Don’t agonize. 
Get organized. 
Have a plan. 
Eliminate those things that can be eliminated. And perhaps even designate chores to others(Children NEED chores!)
Pray...Let God guide you 
And avoid time wasters (like T.V.)  

Everyone has their own way of getting (and staying) organized.  In this electronic age, many use their computer and or a Blackberry. If that works for you-GREAT!   But I’m an old fashioned girl, and I like to write things down…and I especially like keeping lists that I can cross off those things that I’ve accomplished.  It helps me see my progress, especially on days when I feel as though I’m just spinning my wheels.

So how do you stay organized? 

I’d love to hear about any organizational tips you may have!  Leave a comment or email me!

She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and self-pity) she will not eat.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An Outdoor Adventure, a History Lesson, and a Whole Lot o' Shakin' Goin' On!

 Tuesday was a gorgeous day here in S. Central Pa.

This pic was taken from the driveway as I was
 leaving for my adventure!

 I had decided to pick up my niece and nephew and spend the day with them  since I don't see them very often.  They live very close by, but you know how it is.  Our lives are busy-too busy!

Our first stop on our little adventure was Thornwald Park.  Thornwald is a town Park.  Its just a green place (with both woods and meadow), a gazebo, an amphitheater, and some park benches and picnic tables.  On the property is an old mansion that is currently under renovation.  With the exception of the construction noise, it is a very peaceful place on the fringe of town.
Nestled in the woods of Thornwald, is a geocache.  So I thought it was a great place for some hiking and to turn these two young people on to the sport of geocaching.    

After a bit of searching, we found the geocache treasure.  Wedged between 2 rocks was an old lemonade container wrapped in camouflage tape.  Inside most every geocache is a sign in sheet and if possible, some trinkets that people leave behind.  The rule of thumb is that if you take a trinket, you must leave one behind.  We signed the paper inside and left behind a small turkey feather even though we didn't take anything from the cache.   

We placed the cache back the way we found it and headed to the local grocery store to grab some goods for a picnic lunch.  From there, we put the top down on the Mustang and headed up the mountain (with the wind blowin' through our hair)!  

In about 15 minutes, we arrived at Pine Grove State Park, a sweet place for hanging out in the summer time.  As the name implies, there are lots of pines, as well as 2 man made lakes and an old iron furnace.  But there is much more.  Pine Grove is rich in history.  The lakes were once iron ore pits that were mined and then melted in the furnace.  There are several furnaces along the South Mountain.  This chain of furnaces played an important role in the Underground Railroad.  

(Keep in mind that on the other side of this mountain is Gettysburg!)

I tried to slip in a history lesson about the area during lunch (at the Furnace picnic grounds).  But I'm sure the ol' (retired) homeschool mom in me was shining through.   

Though we didn't go swimming.  We did visit the lakes and take time to do some snooping around.  These kids live about 10 minutes away but had never been here.  (at least not that they could recall)

A goose enjoying the water with some floaters
Our day concluded as we meandered a little further down the road to my daughter's  new home.  I wanted to show the kids my new grandbaby!  

While I was holding and ooing over
 Miss Rhea Amelia, 


YES, it was that infamous earthquake that shook the East Coast.  About 2 seconds later, my son in law phoned to report that he too had felt it at his job (in Gettsyburg)!  

After some smooches for the wee one, we headed next door to a popular ice cream stop....
And with cones in hand, we headed home....our bellies full......
and our feet tired.

Trying to keep it simple and deliberate,


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gettin' Crafty

As you all know by now, we have a new grandbaby.
 Number 2!

Rhea Amelia

Today I thought I'd share the little crafty  baby gift I made for mommy and baby.

  The wreath was prepared several weeks ahead, when we didn't know if the baby was a girl or a boy.  So the onesies are unisex.  I did add 2 little girl outfits to the wreath before giving it to her. I couldn't resist shopping for a little girl!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Scrappy Saturday- Baby Rhea pt 1

Sharing the first 4 pages of Baby Rhea's album today.  And hopefully I'll have a few more pages finished for next week!
  (Don't forget to click to enlarge)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Foto Friday- Sunflowers and Rainbows

We drove by a beautiful sunflower field the other day.  It just happened to be one of those days when it was raining one minute, shining the next....... or both!

Sunflowers  make me smile!!!!!!  How 'bout you?

Gratitude Journal Entry #5- She's Arrived!

On  Wednesday, August 10th, we became 
Grandparents for the
2nd time!

We have been blessed with a new precious baby girl named

~~Rhea Amelia~~

I couldn't wait to get my hands on this baby!

Rhea Amelia weighed 8lbs!

This little darlin' was born at home!

Little Jack is loving his sister! ......What fun these two
are going to be!

I have a feeling Rhea will quickly become
the apple of Grampie's eye!!!

Praising our God!!!!!!

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Foto Friday- Dipping (and more)

 Happy Friday!

Today's Photos were taken of my favorite guy earlier this week .  
These first photos were taken at my moms house (Jack's great great grandma) when we stopped by to take a dip (or 2).

Taking a dip in the pool....Jack loves the water.

We worked up an appetite! ..... Time for lunch.

Dipping Cukes!  Jack loves DIPPING,
and he loves Ranch dressing.  

So why not DIP your PB&J too! Mmmmm.

Jack and his mommy in the garden
Had to throw this pic in....I love Sunflowers....so happy!

Yep.  She's Ready!

I love this pic.  His mommy was putting him in his carseat when
she realized he needed a new diaper.  So she marched him
back into the house.  The look on his face is


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