Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

FOTO FRIDAY- Autumn at our house

Scrapbook Collages of 
Autumn at our House
(Don't forget to click on the images to enlarge)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


In the last year, this blog has been flooded with photos with a sweet little red head-something I won't apologize for!  Being a grandma is just about as sweet as our little Jack is.  While I have a list of things I would like to blog about, today's blog is about Jack.  Tuesday was Jack's first birthday, and today we celebrated.  So I thought I'd share a few pics of his special day! Please enjoy!


Jack's mommy made a chocolate cake and pumpkin cupcakes

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It's hard to believe our little darlin' is 1 already!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


WHEN I LOOK OUT MY DOOR, IT'S EVIDENT THAT FALL HAS OFFICIALLY ARRIVED!  Oh I know, the calendar told us so several weeks ago.  But now, in South Central  PA, its lookin' like Autumn.  See for yourself.

 A look outside the back door
(no- I didn't stage this photo)

And a  look outside the front door

And the true "fall test" is that camper sitting in the driveway.  It's all ready for my guys to go on their first hunting trip.  On the first weekend in November it will be rolling down the I-81 headed to Virginia.  Its their home away from home every weekend, and for the entire week of Thanksgiving.  I am sooo  looking forward to a little R&R for myself while they're gone!  

Savoring the season~~~~~

Saturday, October 2, 2010


 THE photo below is the old part of this post.  Very OLD.  So old, that I sat on this rocker when I was child.  Yep, that's right- It was my old rocker from my childhood.  Imagine the stories it could tell.  Probably best that it can't!  But thinking where a vintage piece has been is what brings richness to the item.  I love old stuff.   And speaking of old...check out the next photo.......

Now this is old!  This is the original vintage fabric that covered my little chair.  Oh how I wish I could replicate it.  But since that wasn't possible, I chose ........

.......this golden fabric.  Yellows and golds match nearly every room in the house.  So I will be able to enjoy it in any room I choose.  

 With the upholstering part completed, there's nothing left to do but clean up the wood a bit...AND....

smother my sweet little model with kisses!

Friday, October 1, 2010

FOTO FRIDAY- Autumn has arrived

Proof that Autumn has officially arrived is right outside my front door.  As the remnants of hurricane Nicole blew through yesterday, so did the leaves from the trees.

 Saw this little critter on the bird house.

Happy Autumn Everyone!


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