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Friday, July 16, 2010


Hubs and I recently took a road trip. We decided a weekend away for a little R&R was in order. We had previously planned to go to the in-law's beach house for a long weekend to do a little fishing and catch a few rays. But at the last minute, we changed the game plan and headed east, east to Lancaster County (PA) on a little road trip. The only concrete plan we had was to see the play Joseph at Sight and Sound, an incredible Christian Theater.


The Sight and Sound Millennium Theater is a beautiful facility on a serene setting. In the background of this photo is the Hershey Farm where beautiful gardens abound.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!

The grand entrance of Sight and Sound.

In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together;
the leopard will lie down with the baby goat.
The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion,
and a little child will lead them all. Isaiah 11:6

The show was fan-tab-u-lous!!!!!!!

The following day was snoop day. We just set out from the hotel and went snooping. First stop.............Bird in Hand Farmers Market. This is an indoor market with many vendors, everything from food to clothing.

Hubs had to sample some sticky buns..mmmm! There were lots of samples!

Souvenir Anyone??

Then............ across the road to the Peddlers Cottage. A very neat store that didn't seem to have an end. It was filled with many sweet finds both old and new, and new that looked old. It was hard to tell the difference!

We ended up at the Hardware store next door (not pictured) that was also never ending. From the Bird in Hand Hardware store, you could enter the Bird in Hand Antique store. I did manage to find something in the antique store to bring home with me. But I'll save that for another post.

Okay, I admit it....I enjoy a good glass of wine. (Hmmm, maybe I'll stop right now and pour me a glass. ) Anywho.......... we found our way to the Mount Hope Winery. And yes, I did get a souvenir there!

As we made our way on our scenic ride home from
Lancaster, we of course, had to make one more stop........

Oh yea...more souvenirs.............the edible kind!

More country scenery....a reminder of a SIMPLER time.

And we just couldn't resist trekking through the sweetest place on earth...........HERSHEY! We are hoping to go back to Hershey one day very soon to take our little Jack to the zoo. Oh, and in case you didn't know, the street lamps of Hershey are shaped like Hershey Kisses- some are wrapped, and some are not.

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a very sweet weekend!

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