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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kitchen Magic

Today, I performed a bit a kitchen magic.
I turned this

into this!

I made one BLUEBERRY PIE to eat now and one to freeze for later!
Berry pie1 qt of berries
1c. sugar
6 Tbls instant clear jell (at least)
4 Tbls water (more if necessary- enough to moisten mixture)

Bake at 425 for 15 minutes 350 for 45 min

How to Freeze or Refrigerate Pies
Keep pies that contain eggs, such as pumpkin and cream pies, in the fridge.
Otherwise, you can keep a fruit pie at room temperature for 2 days; after that, store it loosely covered in the fridge up to 2 days longer. In warm climates, always store fruit pies in the fridge.
You can freeze either unbaked or baked pie crust. An unbaked crust will keep for 2 months in the freezer, a baked crust for 4 months.
Don't thaw unbaked crusts; bake them right after taking them out of the freezer. To thaw a baked pie crust, unwrap and let stand at room temperature, or heat in the oven at 350°F for about 6 minutes.

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