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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crazy Birds

The birds that call our neighborhood home have been very busy creating a place to raise their young. This year, several robins have chosen some crazy places to build their homes. This nest was built on top of a ladder that hangs in the overhead of my potting shed.

Another nest was constructed on the front porch on the top of my spring wreath. Everytime the door opens, she flies off. But if I'm really quiet, I can peek out at her through the beveled glass of the door.

I was even lucky enough to sneak a picture of her future family!
Have a great day! And take time to enjoy God's Glorious Creation!


  1. Hey there, I have been wandering around blogland in search of fellow christian homestaeders, hoping to learn as much as I can along the way. I am happy to be the first to follow your blog :)
    Blessings, Molly

  2. That last picture (of the bird's nest) is so beautiful! :) Might I have your permission to use it, if I linked back to you/gave you credit? :)

    Tammy from tammy's recipes :)



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