As of today, we have 31 chickens! If you remember, we bought 9 chicks at our local farm supply store- 6 sex link, (3 red, 3 black) and 3 polish chicks (2 buff and 1 white crested black). Then we incubated 24 eggs, hatching 16 chicks. And I also bought 6 Aracauna chicks. Now I'm wondering what I am going to do with all those chickens! Although once we can identify which chicks are roosters we can thin the flock.
Check out chicken scrapbook pages I posted at
Who knew chickens could be so cute. My husband and I just hover around the coop mesmerized by their every move. They are so entertaining. It's amazing to me that no one had to teach them to be chickens. They just do it. They scratch, and go through the motions of taking a dust bath. They even practice sparring with one another. And now I'm looking forward to hearing those little roosters crow.
Have a great day.....hope it's something to crow about!
I love your scrapbook pages. The babies are so cute. I like the little fella flat on his back with his feet in the air!