Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Home Away from Home

Today, I thought I'd take you on a tour of our 
Home Away from Home.

Last summer,
when hubby's company  sent him to an out-of-town job,
 we landed here...
At King Farm, in Rockville, Maryland.

King Farm is nearly 2 hours away from our little homestead in Pennsylvania.  
We try and go home every other weekend..
sometimes every weekend.

But for now, 
it is our home away from home.

King farm is described as a 

high-density, walkable, mixed-use community
consisting of 3,200 homes on a 430-acre site.

As you can tell by its name, King Farm was an actual farm.  But when the owners died, the family could not keep up with the costs.  So today, it has been transformed into  a planned community.

It consists of apartments, (like our row of apartments pictured below), townhouses, and single family (LARGE) homes, as well as green spaces, parks, ponds and shopping.   One might call it a
 package deal!

Our little nest is tucked away behind this holly bush!

Our little apartment boasts a whopping 800 sq ft!
You can almost see everything upon entry!  

The apartment is furnished with a mish mesh of extra furniture we managed to round up!

Josie enjoying a little HGTV 

One of the ways I entertain myself is by crafting.  I have taken up the entire "dining room" with my crafting goodies!  
The lighting here is great.

Our boudoir is in that darkened space just beyond the craft table. I actually had to  drape some sheets over the window blinds because we can't sleep with all the streets lights! 
And believe it or not, 
the light still comes through.  
We like it dark at night.  
Pitch black dark!

This is the view from my "craft room" these days. 
There is a lot of activity outside this window.... 
Lots of passersby headed to the bus or Metro.
And lots of emergency vehicles....
all hours of the day and night. :( 

But just yesterday...
on a bitter cold day....
clusters of robins adorned the trees outside my window.  

This is my little kitchen.  
It serves its purpose, as it is stocked with all of my 
home grown, 
and home canned food.

   But it's a far cry from our homestead kitchen.

One of the perks of living here is the well kept community.  Trees and shrubs and flowers decorate every street.  And because it is cared for by a homeowners association, it is always beautiful!  Every sidewalk here is edged,
 something a visual person like myself  can appreciate!

Nearly everyday, 
Josie and I make our way down this street to one of her favorite parks.

It is very quiet and peaceful here, but as you can see, just beyond the park is the beginning of city chaos.

This picture was taken on the street corner closest to our apartment.  In the background you can see what remains of the original King Farm.
The barn, silos and farm house remain.  
They are part of  Rockville Parks.

It is a bit of walk to get to the farm. 
 But just beyond the farm, is Josie's favorite place.....

Oh yeah, it's the 
Dog Park!
It's a place where she can run and play and smell.

  Meanwhile, back at the farm...

The farm itself  has been transformed into a community garden.  I have to admit that I was very impressed with the variety of veggies grown here....
by city folk!  


During the summer months,
 I was beginning to feel very spoiled.
With 2 pools 
and no real responsibilities
I just lounged around by pool in the afternoons. 

I have to admit though,
it was a wee bit boring by the end of the summer.

Behind the planters is a hot tub!

During these winter months I have been able to utilize the indoor pool.
No lounging here.  
I take advantage of the pool by doing some real lap swimming and 
some pool exercises. 
I have to keep my water aerobic skills honed!  

Located at the center of King Farm is a shopping complex.  
There you can find a variety of shops, banks, and businesses.  
There is also a Safeway store I can walk to if necessary.  
Many of the store fronts are empty though. 
 I suppose a casualty of the high cost of doing business in this area.  

 Well folks, this is the end of our tour...
I hope you enjoyed seeing how the 
other half lives.

Even though living here is not exactly our
cup of tea...

It has surely been an interesting experience!
And, it's been a bit of a honeymoon for me and hubs (and Josie)!

I'm thinking that one day, 
we may look back at our time in Rockville,  fondly...
Maybe someday......

In the meantime, my thoughts are never far from that place that we call home...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Beginnings

Happy (Belated) New Year!

I know, I know
I'm a little late on the new year greeting!

But I've been distracted...
VERY distracted.

 We had a wonderful Christmas with the family.
All our traditions and plans went off without a hitch.

We weren't sure how Christmas would play out since our daughter was expecting the day after Christmas.

She however, made us wait on the arrival of our newest little bundle of pure joy  until after New Years. 

On January 4th
Eliza Mae made her way into the world
AND into our hearts. 

She was well worth the wait!

What a fantastic way to begin a 
new year!

Now that the baby drama has calmed down, its time to look forward to the new year that awaits us....
a new year that will undoubtedly
fly by!

The new year is such a great time to make changes...
Get a fresh start...
to evaluate what is working in your life...
and what is not.
It's a great time to set new goals...
And begin new habits.

(For some great tips on goal setting head over to 

As for myself,
I've made a few changes.
For one
I no longer use this..

I have come into the 21st century.
I am now using 

One Note is an organizational app that I can use on my computer
 and my phone...
and sync one to the other.
And who doesn't want to be more organized?

With living in 2 places
it has become a necessity if I'm going to keep all these balls in the air.
I unfortunately live by my lists.
But at my age...

I gotta have lists!!!!

Honestly, I have been dragging my feet on this phone technology...
Proclaiming it to be unnecessary.
   Its only been since we have been living this dual lifestyle that I broke down and upgraded to a new "smart phone".  

And YES, it's smarter than me!

I have to admit...
I love it!
 I especially love its 
GPS so I don't get lost when I'm out and about. 
And all of the apps available for download....Wow!

I don't make "resolutions!"
Resolutions are made for breaking,
don't you know!

But I do have a plan to spend a few minutes each morning with God.
This year,
I am following Joyce Meyer's 
The Power of being Thankful
devotional book.  

And to simplify things,
I have downloaded on my Kindle.  
And hey, I have an app for that on my phone too!
So no matter where I am, I have no excuses to spend time with God.
And of course, my prayer list is on One Note!
Not only a that-
But I have determined to consciously live in a perpetual state of 

It's not that I'm not a thankful person....
It's that I think when we are conscious of our blessings...
we live a richer life...
we're focused on the positive...
which crowds out the negative.

So of course,
I have a thankful list too!!!

I'm trying to find something... 
no matter how small...
to be thankful for
each day!!!!!!!

Do you have goals or changes for the new year.
I'd love to hear about them!

Until next time...

Try and keep it 


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