This post is a continuation from yesterday...
In between hunting and relaxing, we took a day and traveled over to Benezette.
Benezette is
THE place
to go to see the elk of Pennsylvania.
As you will see, it was a beautiful Autumn day!
So grab a cup of coffee and settle in...
Enjoy the show..
We went to all of the designated
"elk viewing areas"....
but couldn't see an elk.....
....but it sure was beautiful!
Since we didn't see any elk in the viewing areas, we stopped at the Benezette Winery.
According to the gal at the winery, there was an old elk that had roamed through town known as
Old Fred.
She told me of how he lived for 19 years and was just part of the Benezette landscape, known and loved by all.
So of course, they had a wine named for Old Fred.
And of course, I had to get a bottle!
Old Fred was collared, AKA #36 |
She also told me I could see Old Fred's rack at the visitor center.
So off to the visitor center we went!
There were some lovely, informative displays there.....
Check it out,
Old Fred!
From the Visitor Center, we took time for lunch, and ice-cream.
(well, hubby had ice-cream)
We pulled into this cute little cafe that was originally an old country church. I looked over into the woods beside the truck and saw something that caught my attention. I got out of the truck......
and saw this....
just a few feet away.
There were probably a dozen, maybe more, elk cows all nestled in the woods with their man.
They were scattered all around him,
Camouflaged between the trees.
(it was like the elk version of Where's Waldo)
It really was a sight to behold!
I quietly stood there....
snapped a few pics
and was on my way before the ol' bull got upset.
We went back to a viewing area where we had previously been.
Still, no elk.
But out in the distance,
I could hear elk
If you aren't familiar with the elk bugle, watch this video..Awesome!
The ride back to the cabin was very scenic...
We saw turkeys....
How cute is he???
Another elk. If you look closely, you can see healed puncture wounds on him from dueling with another bull.
As you can see, we had a wonderful
and relaxing week in the Wilds of Pa.
I hope you enjoyed our vacation photos.
I certainly enjoyed sharing them with you!
I'd love to hear what you think of them!
I'll leave you with just a few more pictures of a
pleasant surprise...
I love this picture with winter snow and autumn trees! |
Living Simply and Deliberately.......