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Monday, January 14, 2013

Something to Crow About!....and talkin' chicken

A belated Happy New Year to you all!

I'm hopeful that you, my blogger friends, will be richly blessed in the new year.

And I hope that 2013 will give you something to 
Crow about!

Isn't this guy handsome?? 
 You may remember the post over the dilemma of his name.    
Well, today, he still remains nameless. 
 I have decided NOT to name him.
Well, except for those moments when he gets called
(excuse my french)

 I don't think he will be here long.
So he shall remain nameless.

He's BAD....
to the bone!

It seems he's always lookin' for a fight.  
He challenges me every
time I go to the chicken house. 

Oh, and he loves to fight with the dog.  
Watch....it gives new meaning to the term
"Chicken Fight"

These two actually seem to have a love /hate relationship.
And I admit, that darn rooster is quite the entertainer.
But he's also a pain in the butt!

I'm pretty sure the girls aren't all that impressed with him either.
He's quite the bully.

Speaking of the girls...
they have been enjoying some special treats lately.
We had snow 3 different days the week of Christmas.  
But I was able to un-snow some grass that was coming up in the garden.

They also enjoyed some 

They really enjoyed the Kale!
The girls appreciate those green treats, especially in the dead of winter!

There is  a portion of our garden that wasn't tilled under and planted with barley, last year's cover crop.  So I have been slowly cleaning out the last morsels of the garden (cabbage, kale, turnip greens and more)......
AND I've been anticipating this coming year's crop!
  (BTW, the seed magazines have been filling our mailbox!)

While I was in 
Treat Mode...
I decided to give the  birdies a treat.

Several years ago, I made these cute little spiral  suet feeders.  It was easy...
I just took some wire I picked up at Walmart (I think 18 gauge) and wrapped it around a spice jar. 
Added a handle.
And filled it with suet.
The birds love it!

That's all for now.  In the next post, I'll share some of the 
that's been keeping me from blogging.

Until then....
Please enjoy some recent  snapshots  taken around the homestead.

Chicken tracks!

Fuzzy butts.....LUV!


Snapped this picture out my kitchen window.  Watching this squirrel
made me laugh.  He appears to be reading the sign, which should
bring him some relief ;)

This pic was taken through the living room window.
What a beautiful Blue Jay.

Aww, my little sweeties!!

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