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Thursday, June 7, 2012


One of my favorite things about this time of year is 

And this year
we had LOTS of

Picking strawberries was a 
Family Affair.....

Take a look...

My daughter stopped by to pick her bucket full.
Jack helped....well sort of...

Both the grandkids sampled the 

Isn't she a doll?
Pappy thinks so!!

Love this picture of the "strawberry handoff"

Forget the bucket, it goes straight in his mouth!

 All good things must come to an end:(

But don't you leave before I share one of my favorite shortcake recipes.  
It's the kind of cake you make, 
if you know all of it will be eaten in one sitting.

Here's the recipe..
Makes you want to go whip up a strawberry shortcake and invite your friends or family over, huh?....

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