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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love in the New Year

Hey, it's a 

I know, I'm a little behind on the new year greetings.  But that's okay.  
I've been busy getting my new year off to a good start....

*The tree and the decorations are down...

I've made some plans and set some goals....

My goal for the new year is to focus on

That may sound a little strange.  But 2 years ago I resolved to guard my mouth.....and keep my words sweet.  I not only wanted to avoid saying things that I may wish I could take back, but I wanted to use my words for good. 

But lately, because of some people that God has placed in my life, I thought it was time to work on 
loving the unlovely. 

You know, its easy to love lovely people....
  But what about those who are 

You have them too- I know you do.  

So I've decided its time to kick up my love walk to a new level by 
love to others....all others!

The lovely
the unlovely!

So this year, I'm working on 
I'm not sure yet what that's going to look like.
One things for sure, I'll be more mindful of others and their needs...

I'll be looking for ways to bless them.

*Our basement is on its way to becoming something other than a storage facility for our grown children's 

For some reason, our children left home and forgot their stuff.  But we're determined to get it all cleaned out, even if that means a

 to their homes.

*And next week, hubs and I are planning to do some painting.  We'll be painting our bedroom, bathroom and spare bedroom-which has been empty since our youngest
 flew the coop.....

Our empty bedroom will soon become a room for the grandbabies


And this week, we're going to be celebrating again! 
We have 3 birthdays to celebrate in January.  So we're just gonna have one big party and celebrate them at the same time.
Hopefully, next week I'll share some recipes from the celebration.  
But for now, I'll leave you with the card and boot bling I made for Ashley.

Real Cowgirls have a little bling on their boot!

 Soo cute. 
 I hope she "likes".

Miss Ashley is my son's girlfriend. 
 She's a fun-lovin' country girl who enjoys line dancing...  
and we love her!

Yep, she's the one in the boots.

That's all for now.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I do appreciate it! 
And if you have any lofty goals or plans for the new year,
I'd love to hear about them!

Until next time.......

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Tammy! Guarding your mouth is something the Lord taught me when things started to get real hard in my marriage. I knew I would regret the things that came out of my mouth in anger :0/
    I agree with you on being challenged to "Love the Unlovely" it's so much easier to like those that are good to us, isn't it ...I hope you share about your opportunities to exercise this challenge :0)

    I love your bling/boot card...I'm sure Ashley will cherish it. I look forward to seeing pics of your family celebrations and also seeing the painting projects.




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