Last week we went to a local co-op where the Amish bring their goods for a produce auction. Our mission for the day-CANTALOUPE! Now that we are deep into the summer season, we were able to purchase 2 huge bins for $10.00 each. One bin was for my folks, the other for us. And we of course, shared the bounty with others! Here are just a few of the sights that afternoon I'd like to share with you. (Since I can't share the cantaloupe;)

Notice the little boy hiding on the other side of the bins. He was throwing random pieces of cantaloupe to the ground just to watch them smash.

Notice the steel wheels....I thought this was a cute shot of this little fellow. I think he was trying to put the pin in the hitch.

Horse and buggies waiting for their drivers and a great view of the Cumberland Valley in the distance.

Here come the lopes!

Happy Summer!!!!!!!!!! I hope you're enjoying the tastes of the season..............they won't last long.