Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Friday, August 27, 2010



Poor little Jack could hardly make it through lunch!

FILLING GRAMPIE'S SHOES.....thems some big shoes to fill!

Jack was trying some fresh from the garden beets. What a mess!.....a cute mess....but still a mess! Thankfully it was his mommy's job to clean him up!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

UNDER HIS (or her:-) WING

He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Psalm 91:4

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Peepies

About 3 weeks ago, one our Henny Pennies went broody! At first, she was laying on 9 eggs that she had collected. The next time I checked she had 17, and next time.. 21! Evidently, her girlfriends were helping her out! So we moved Miss Henny Penny to the tractor coop where she could cozy up in a nest box and have some privacy. Yesterday the chicks began hatching. So far....2 brown chickies and a white one. And at last check, a white leghorn was beginning to hatch. Let's just hope that none of them are roosters. My record on roosters isn't too hot. The last batch of chickies were about 50% roosters...UGH!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cumberland Valley Co-op

Last week we went to a local co-op where the Amish bring their goods for a produce auction. Our mission for the day-CANTALOUPE! Now that we are deep into the summer season, we were able to purchase 2 huge bins for $10.00 each. One bin was for my folks, the other for us. And we of course, shared the bounty with others! Here are just a few of the sights that afternoon I'd like to share with you. (Since I can't share the cantaloupe;)

Notice the little boy hiding on the other side of the bins. He was throwing random pieces of cantaloupe to the ground just to watch them smash.

Notice the steel wheels....I thought this was a cute shot of this little fellow. I think he was trying to put the pin in the hitch.

Horse and buggies waiting for their drivers and a great view of the Cumberland Valley in the distance.

Here come the lopes!

Happy Summer!!!!!!!!!! I hope you're enjoying the tastes of the season..............they won't last long.




Freezing sweet corn today!


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