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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rogue Chickens

Around here, it seems like every week, 
we get a new covering of the white stuff.  

While I confess, it has been beautiful...

....some would probably  
call it brutal!

Some of us are loving it...

and some of us are wearing down, 
and growing very weary of it, 
because of all the work it creates!

Could he get anymore wood on that cart!?!?!

Winter can be tough for all of us.  
But thankfully, we have coats and gloves,
and warm homes. 

But during times of  extreme cold (and heat), 
I feel bad for all the critters who make their home outdoors.  
So when I came across a pair of rogue chickens,
I felt compelled to rescue them.

Nearly every time I turned onto my country road,
 I would see a pair of hens pecking around for food. 
The problem is, because the ground has been covered with snow for months, 
they were pecking at the gravel along the edge of the road.  
Needless to say, the risk of them becoming road kill was HUGE. 

They were living here, in these pines.

One Sunday after church 
we nearly hit them.  
So after lunch we went back
 and wrangled them up.  
(should have had a camera for that!)
They had literally made themselves
 a little den in that mound of snow between the trees.  

They seemed to be in good condition, though very light weight.

They have been eating well now for the past 2 weeks,
 and are beginning to adjust to the other girls.  

 These girls are very sweet,
and very shy.

 They both appear to be Araucanas.
So hopefully,
 sometime in the near future 
they will give us some pretty blue/green eggs!!



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