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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gone Wild!

It's been along time since my last post.  
My apologies....

Our summer has been nothing short of WILD!  

Early in the season, we moved the chicken house.  
What an ordeal.  

I had this wild idea to move the chickens closer to the house where I could keep a closer watch over them (and hopefully out of hawk view), and closer to a water source.

I told hubby that if it was a big deal, we could just let it go.

But he said, "No problem.  We moved stuff all the time on the farm (where he lived as a child)."

So move it he did!

So the house has been moved
 and the fencing is in place.
The girls are happy.  
All is well in the hen house.....at least for now!

More wildness..........

I've been trying to get some cleaning and organizing accomplished this summer.
I am the queen of organizing- that's just my opinion of course ;)

My craft area is the worst place to keep under control.  
Just 1 hour of crafting and the place is trashed.  If you craft, I'm sure you know what I'm talkin' about!

My goal was to clean, purge, organize and.....
well just jazz things up a little.  

The problem is, however, that I share my craft space with my husband.

So now you see my problem.  The testosterone drips from the walls of our office.

So what's a girl to do?

I say if you can't beat 'em!
Join 'em.

off to Michaels I went!

I came home with these...

Yep, 2 rolls of handy dandy duct tape!
I also picked up a can of black paint.

I used duct tape to add some WILD touches to my side of the office, and the black paint to paint some missed matched furniture.  

I used boxes, baskets and jars for organizing craft supplies.  

The black piece of furniture is actually 2 completely separate pieces.  I found an old bookcase in the basement...
Painted it black..
and made it a topper for my grandma's old Hoosier bottom (that was also painted black).
I decided to pull the L-shaped desk away from the wall, that way all my stuff is handy and quickly available.  I don't even have to get up, just roll around on my trusty chair.  

And in case I forget why I'm in the Wild room...

I made this with my favorite gadget..
the Cricut Expression 2

While I still have a lot of things I want to do to make this room work, I have the bones of what will make a functional space.  

With any luck, it should also bring out the 
wild side 
of my creativity.

I love to make cards.  But what's even more enjoyable than making cards, is giving them!

And so since making cards is one of my favorite crafts, I'll leave you with a sampling of cards I made recently using the Cricut.  
I cut a page of trees on vinyl
(taken from the family reunion cartridge)
and made every effort to make each one look just a little different.  

Miss Josie, 
(my constant companion who relaxes while I craft) 
and I say
Thanks for stopping by our WILD ROOM.  
We hope you all have been inspired to do something wild today!

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