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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gratitude in the Last Days of Autumn

Okay, so I know winter doesn't officially begin until late December. I'm not trying to rush the seasons.  But around here it feels like winter is rapidly approaching.

On my last post, I told you we were preparing for Sandy.  I'm happy to report that while she blew directly over us, she didn't leave behind a lot of  destruction.  
She did however, give us more than 5 inches of rain in our gauge!
 (Prayers for those who were not as fortunate!) 

Before the hurricane,  
we (me and the grandbabies) 
had been enjoying  autumn.....
especially the swing set!

We gathered nuts...

Jack was totally into cracking nuts! It kept him busy for quite a while!


The kids played on Pap Pap's tractor....

 We foraged our way through the garden and fed the chickens..

Chickens love turnip greens!

Did you know that chickens can jump?
Oh yea!

What a sweet face

Goodies of kale, beets, chard, oregano, cabbage and can't forget the eggs!

We carved Jack -o-lanterns with Great Grandma..

Jack helped to "gut" the pumpkins

Creating the eyes and nose
with cookie cutters and a hammer.

Admiring his work

I'm not sure who had the most fun!

We celebrated Jack's 3rd birthday with a bonfire..

Playing in some corn.  Who knew that could be fun?

Can anyone say Uncle BUBBA!

Andrew and Ashley

Jack's mama made 
camping cupcakes.
Cute huh?

The face says it all!


Post Sandy,  there aren't many leaves remaining..
the ugly brownness of winter is approaching...
I knew it was coming..
I admit that I don't like it....
not one little bit!!
But I shan't complain.

During this month 
when we celebrate Thanksgiving,
I am reminded that I have so much to be thankful for,
 and though winter is calling louder each day, 
I shall focus on the good things in my life.....
for they are many!

 Be thankful in all circumstances, 
for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18

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