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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Update

Wow!  It appears it has been several weeks since my last post.  Time sure does fly by quickly, doesn't it?

  But like many of you, I'm super busy.  Summer seems to bring a load of extra work.  You know what I'm talking about.....grass mowing and weed pulling....

and there's gardening to be done....

and with that, 
there's the canning and the freezing of nature's bounty.

are so easy to make

Oh, and we can't forget all those patriotic celebrations...

or all the backyard fun that summertime brings....

Jack LOVES the hose!

Rhea enjoying Great Grandma's pool

Grandmummies sweet boy

Josie gave my mom's Rottie a run for her money!

And like many you..
we have been paralyzed  by sweltering heat.  
Everyone is running for cover....
trying to find somewhere....
anywhere...to cool off!

It has been SO HOT........
this is where you say, "How hot is it?"

It's has been so hot....

the chickie girls had no choice but to go SWIMMING!

Watching a chicken pant is pretty disturbing.......

So I did the only thing I could think of to do...and filled up the kiddie pool.  I guess now I'll have to buy the grand kids a new one!  

Until next time my friends....



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