Welcome! I'm happy and humbled you've stopped by.....Cozy up and follow along as I share my attempts at simple living with you.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scrappy Saturday

It's a most perfect spring day here today.  
So I want to share with you the view from the window where my desk sits. It's a wonder I get anything done!  
(remember to click on the images to enlarge)


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Scrappy Saturday

On this Easter weekend, I would like to share with you the pages from last year's spring garden.

Have a great holiday......

Matthew 28:6
 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said

Happy Easter!!!!!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Scrappy Saturday-Talkin' Chicken

Talkin' Chicken

Several weeks ago, we cleaned out the chicken house.  I think I spent most of the day in the chicken yard, even after the work was done.  Those darn chickens are just so mesmerizing and entertaining!

Remember to click on the pictures to enlarge

Nothing goes to waste at our house

Friday, April 15, 2011

The smell of DIRT!

Today was a beautiful day.........in many ways.

Our day began with hubs chisel plowing the garden..finally...while I took care of  the chickens.  The smell of freshly tilled dirt filled the air. AHH..I love that smell.   It's as though with just one deep breath, the aroma stirs the soul.

While I was watching hubs, I happened to glance out into the field, and there they were-a small herd of deer.

We turned the turkeys loose this morning.  It took all morning for turkey number one to emerge.  But to find out what happened next, you'll have to check back on Monday.  (Movie Monday)

The chickens enjoyed the day too.  Nothing like a good ol' dust bath.

I mowed grass today.  That means a nice green treat in the chicken yard. Mmmm.

 I'll close out this post with some pics from the yard.
 I have to say that I am lovin' spring!  

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scrappy Saturday- Tribute to Grandma

Today is a special day.  It's my Grandma's birthday.  She isn't here with us anymore, but rather in a most heavenly place.  Today's scrap page is a tribute to her.  One page, however,  is definitely not enough to depict the woman that she was. (Don't forget to click on the images below to enlarge) 

She was loved by many..... 

She was a beautiful woman, inside and out

To know her was to love her.....

Gram was always on the move!

Though she is gone.....

Grandma and Grandpa were quite the pair

She will not be forgotten....

4 Generations

For she has left her Helen stamp on each of us....

We Love ya grandma!


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