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Friday, April 23, 2010

FOTO FRIDAY- around the yard

You know you're a redneck when......

your clothesline screams REDNECK!

WATCH (WO)MEN ON THE WALL...there is always someone on the lookout when I get to the chicken house to let the girls out for the day. I often wonder if there is somekind of conspiracy going on in there. Perhaps I watched Chicken Run a few too many times!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A SWEET FIND and more!

My son bought an old cabin in the mountain. It was a cabin that an older gentleman had been living in. The man was deceased and his family sold the cabin "as is" to my son. So that meant there was a lot of JUNK to discard. But for "junkies" like me, it was a TREASURE TROVE of GOODS! One of the things that I found (and was allowed to keep;) was this old wooden chair. This chair had been painted that blue green color that everything was painted back in the '50's. (Sorry, but I forgot to take a before picture.) The green paint was all CRACKLED, so I just took the power washer over it to shed the chair of all peeling paint. My plan is to polyurethane it as soon as I get the chance to help preserve the wood since it will be sitting outside most of the time. I found a great use for my NEW chair........yep, you guessed it......a nifty prop for my clothes basket!

Don't you just wonder what this old chair has seen, who sat in it. And how did it end up on a heap in the garage? I guess we'll never know. But it is fun to let your mind wander.

You know how one thing just leads to the other???? Well, since we're talking clothes baskets, my mind is leading here.....

I just wanted to share a few projects was working on over the LOOOONG winter....
The first thing is this cute little clothes pin apron. FABULOUS! I got the apron pattern from MaryJanesFarm magazine, Dec '09 issue.

Secondly, is apron #2. I got this pattern off the internet at Busy Bee Quilt Designs. I'm thinkin' I need one for every holiday!

Living Simply and deliberately


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