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Monday, February 23, 2009


Three mornings a week, I teach water aerobics at the local YMCA. It is a great source of exercise as well as friendships. I have made some wonderful friends...friends of all ages. Some are newbies and some have been taking the class for 20+ years.....one lady is 86 years old, one is a woman who pastors a local church and is usually accompanied by her husband, one owns The Kitchen Shoppe (kitchenshoppe.com), many are retired, some are widowed and some are married.
Though they come from many walks of life, they have one thing in common-their love for water exercise.

After a good workout, several folks can be found socializing around the coffee pot in the lobby. This is the place where the real fellowship begins. We share stories.....we share our ideas and concerns....and sometimes treats. On the morning this picture was taken, we had just enjoyed some yummy Christmas cookies!

Water exercise is just one simple thing I do to deliberately take care of God's temple.

Enjoy your day,



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